
Tuesday, October 1, 2013

1978 Ranch

walk through day back in February
We own a 1978 Ranch style home.  We are renovating.
Let's start by taking a look at the family room, kitchen, dining room and living room.
 Family room. Dark beams, nasty carpet.  BUT, beautiful full stone fireplace I can't wait to burn this winter.
Kitchen.  Went without a dishwasher for an eternity, really it was a few weeks, but when you have six people creating dirty dishes on a daily basis not having a dishwasher is a form of modern day torture. At least it is for me.
The modern maid offers none the modern conveniences you want.
But it does work. 
I truly don't know what designers were thinking when planning out this kitchen. 

Even my eight year old when trying to put the dishes away said "mom I can't open the drawers!"
Oddly this carpet doesn't look half bad in pictures, but trust me it was 100% BAD.  And this wallpaper had me tricked into thinking changing the walls in here would be easy.
It isn't. Because *this* is beneath the sheets of easy stuff.  Isn't it beautiful?
The living room boasts an amazing bay window.  And also no overhead lighting.  Which made working in here at night difficult.
There are lots of things that I didn't like about this house when we bought it, but one thing outweighed all of those things, POTENTIAL.  Looking back through these pictures make me realize how far we've actually come in the seven months we've lived here.
Especially considering we have four kids, and my husband travels.
If you follow me on Instagram search #ranchredo for more pics. 
